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A review by the internationally
By Dr Ampat Koshy
(acclaimed author, poet, essayist and Academic

A book you have to get hold of and read is "The Corona Virus Files where laughter might be the only medicine" by Avijit Sarkar, which is dedicated to his wife for not dampening his sense of humour.


It is a small chap book brought out by Blue Pencil that already has three best sellers on its list. These are ones including a paperback/hard back on the Guide (the Indian Hindi film) and a book on M S Dhoni and "Wine.-kissed Poems" by me and Jagari Mukherjee, as well as other books that make for lovely reading like Santosh Bakaya's "Morning Meanderings", children's books, and books that are written by children, one by Lopa Banerjee "All that Jazz", and others.


But this book is simply delightful. It is made up of a series of reflections on the virus COVID-19, its progress, and a series of cartoons, one after each reflection. The most attractive part of the book is the cartoons. They make it "worth every penny" as someone said from UK of "Wine-kissed Poems."


My review is mainly written to say to all - please buy this book and to my dear friend (though I have never met him) Avijit who writes like the lovely essayists I loved to read who were from England in their personal essays, my only complaint is "I WANT MORE," like Oliver Twist, of your cartoons, they should be many more in number.


I enjoyed your book and wish you all success and wish more buy it and happily await it in print.

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